Saturday, July 9, 2011

Hope all the money I just spent on Amazon helps.

Hello anyone out there on the internet who has stumbled upon this blog. I am an (early) 30-something grad student trying to dissertate and raise my almost two year old, Q. I was very good at the "let-me-hold-you-and-feed-you-and-otherwise-act-as-a-place-to-feel-secure" when she was a baby, but now that Q is walking and talking and wanting to, you know, do things, I'm lagging. I should be able to do this. I baby-sat growing up and taught two years of preschool, but it is much, much different when the child is yours and always there. Q does goes to school a few days a week for a few hours and it is during this time that I get my work done (hahahahahahahahaha), but when she is home and it is just us I am relying more and more on the tv, so today I decided to make a change.

I just ordered some more puzzles and books from Amazon. We have play-doh and a play kitchen and train set and blocks and chalk boards here.  Starting Monday (what? so what if today is Saturday. My husband is home and helping with the entertaining. Also, weekends are also my time to get my work done. Insert more laughter.) ANYWAY, starting Monday I will be implementing a schedule for both Q and I in the hopes of getting more out of our time together. Q is a lovely and sweet little girl and I enjoy spending time with her, but I am just not good with coming up with activities on the fly.

Wish us luck!! I'll post our normal school day schedule tomorrow and our goals.  Monday will be my first attempt at implementing my goals and I'll put the specifics up here. I'm hoping to update 2-3 times a week.

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